Our standards

Devico is committed to maintaining a safe working environment that protects its staff, its property, and the public from accidents. Employees at every level, including management, are responsible and accountable for the company’s overall safety initiatives.
Safety is a key element of our company culture, and we never compromise on it. We believe that everyone, every day, in every job has a duty of care for the safety among all workers on the job site, in the office and in the workshop.
Devico supports participation in regular safety training programs for all employees and provides proper equipment, training, and procedures. Employees are responsible for following all procedures, working safely, and wherever possible, improving safety measures.
An incident-free workplace is our goal, and we strive for this by:
• Complying with all applicable laws, regulations, and standards.
• Complying with our client’s safety policies and requirements on site.
• Educating our employees in the company’s code of conduct and safety routines.
• Providing the proper equipment, workstations, and personal protective equipment for our employees.
• Reporting and investigating all incidents and hazards through our non-conformance reporting-system.
• Consulting and co-operating with our employees in all matters relating to health and safety in the workplace.

Devico are committed to continuous improvement in our day-to-day business operations to minimize our impact on the environment. In accordance with the law, our overall duty of care and our clients’ policies and standards, we at Devico share a sense of responsibility for the protection of the environment.
We at Devico take action to:
• Abide by our clients’ environmental policies and routines.
• Minimize our waste by recycling all waste materials throughout our organization.
• Choose environmental-friendly solvents where possible.
• Ensure our staff are trained and educated on the systems we have in place and our commitment to continuously improving.
• Support hybrid and zero emission vehicles, offering free charging to our employees through 9 charging stations at our headquarters.

Devico will provide a competitive advantage to its customers through on/time delivery of innovative, high quality products and services, driven by a culture of systematic, continuous improvement in competency and organization.
All Devico products are designed, developed, built, and tested in-house at our headquarters in Trondheim, Norway. All stages of this work are performed by qualified mechanical and electrical engineers with years of expertise.
Approximately 90% of all materials utilized in our products are sourced locally in Norway, with standard drilling parts sourced directly from leading suppliers in Canada.
This combination of quality materials, proven, state-of-the-art technology and highly qualified personnel is what ensures high quality, high performance products for our customers, built to withstand the rigours of the drilling environment.